Clinical Mental Health Counseling & Art Therapy


As a licensed clinical mental health counselor, I provide a safe place for adults, young adults, children and families to talk and work through their life circumstances.

I employ a combination of Art Therapy and methods from the Internal Family Systems model to address my client's needs.

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Art Therapy is a modality that helps clients express themselves, that doesn't have to be talking! Some examples are using drawing, collaging, painting, sculpting, book-making, journaling, building, or beading. You do not have to be an artist to do art therapy. Most of the time, it is more about the process, rather than the outcome.

Internal Family Systems, or IFS, is a model which believes we all have different parts of our personality. We have protector parts, hurt like child parts, and what's called the core Self. Over the past year, I have explored using IFS and seen its positive and life changing effects on clients. Using Art Therapy and IFS combined, I am able to help clients have more clarity, get space from some uncomfortable feelings, help heal from traumas and burdens they've been carrying, and much more. Click below to get a little more insight around IFS from Dr. Richard Schwartz, the founder of IFS, to see if this is something you'd be interested in trying.



Therapy sessions are offered in group, family, or individual settings


+ What is Internal Family Systems (IFS)?

The founder of Internal Family Systems (IFS), Dr. Richard Schwartz, explains IFS and all it’s moving parts.

+ What is Art Therapy?

Art Therapy is a discipline that integrates creative methods of self expression such as visual arts and rooted on the notion that Art Therapy can foster a healthy mental health and well-being.

+ What times of the day do you see your clients?

I see my clients Monday to Thursday from 09:00 AM to 04:00 PM.

+ What insurance do you accept?

I accept Vermont Medicaid and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont. For those without this coverage, I offer self-pay rates on a sliding scale as outlined below. If you have an HSA as part of your insurance plan you can use those funds to pay for services. An additional reduction is offered when paying for blocks of 6 sessions.